By Σάββατο, Απριλίου 05, 2008

Εϊναι πραγματικό αστείο το πως ένα γεγονός που διαδραματίζεται στη διεθνή σκακιέρα (Σύνοδος του ΝΑΤΟ) καταλήγει στην Ελλάδα να παίρνει τη μορφή προσωπικής (των ελλήνων) υπόθεσης. Οι κορώνες αυτοϊκανοποίησης της κυβέρνησης και των βουλευτών της, για το ΤΡΑΓΙΚΟ γεγονός του βέτο στο Βουκουρέστι, δίνει το στίγμα της ανευθυνότητας των ελλήνων πολιτικών, της σημερινής κυβέρνησης αλλά και της αντιπολίτευσης. Γιατί πρόκειται για τραγικό γεγονός. Πρόκειται για ήττα με όλη τη σημασία της λέξης, πρόκειται για παραδοχή ανικανότητας εξεύρεσης λύσης σε ένα θέμα που αφορά μια χώρα ασήμαντη, ελάχιστη, αδύναμη. Και η Ελλάδα, "αφεντικό των Βαλκανίων", δε μπορεί να κερδίσει την εμπιστοσύνη και τη συνεργασία μιας μικρής βαλκάνιας και τρέχει να την τιμωρήσει. Αντί δηλαδή να συμπεριφερθεί σαν ισχυρός, τρέχει, ιδρώνει και δρα με νευρικότητα, σα να είναι ο αδύναμος...
Δείτε τι έγραψε ο ξένος τύπος για το θέμα, αφού ο ελληνικός τύπος έγραψε αστειότητες, αφελείς ή κατευθυνόμενες κορώνες με στόχο τη χειραγώγηση της κοινής γνώμης...

CNN- ...Macedonia had a bad summit. Greece blackballed its proposed NATO membership on the grounds that it has a northern province of the same name and that if Macedonia doesn't change its name that implies a territorial ambition. But if that makes losers of the Macedonians, who left the summit in a huff, then Greece is a loser too. NATO operates on unanimity The other NATO nations had no option but to exclude Macedonia from membership. But they are pretty cross with both nations for not having sorted out their dispute and so spoiling the party. The two have been told to go away and sort it out among themselves...

LE FIGARO- En revanche, les membres de l'Otan ont proposé à l'Albanie et à la Croatie de rejoindre l'Organisation, mais pas à la Macédoine, qui doit régler un différend avec la Grèce qui porte sur son nom. Athènes bloque depuis 1991 la reconnaissance internationale de l'ancienne république yougoslave. En signe de protestation, le ministre macédonien des Affaires étrangères a annoncé que la délégation de son pays quittait le sommet.

TIMES- ...The hitch over Fyrom also spoilt what was supposed to be a celebration of three new Balkan countries joining the alliance — Albania, Croatia and Fyrom itself. All three had passed the tests for membership, but Greece vetoed Macedonia on the ground that it had the same name as its northern province. After failing to reach a compromise, Nato leaders were forced to put the invitation to Fyrom on hold until the clashing names could be resolved. The Macedonian delegation walked out of the summit in protest...

Macedonians walk out of Nato after Greeks block membership

The former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia walked out the Nato summit in Bucharest today after Greece blocked accession talks because of its name. “We are here today to announce that we are leaving the summit. We feel necessary to be with our people today,” Antonio Milososki, Foreign Minister, told reporters. The former Yugoslav republic had been told by Nato that it met the strict criteria laid down for membership, which include civilian control of its armed forces, social reforms and appropriate defence spending. But the Greeks objected to it using the name Macedonia because it is the same as Alexander the Great's birthplace, the northernmost province of Greece. No compromise could be found to assuage Greece in its determination to veto the country membership of Nato. Speaking to The Times, Nikola Dimitrov, security adviser to the Macedonian Prime Minister, said: "We are not being punished because we have failed to meet the standards demanded by Nato for membership of the alliance, we are being punished because of who we are and because we're Macedonians." Mr Dimitrov said the compromise name of Republic of Macedonia (Skopje) had been offered, but Greece would have none of it. "The disappointment is huge," Mr Dimitrov said. He gave warning that the failure of his country to join the alliance would encourage the radical elements in the Balkans and undermine the stability that had been achieved after years of civil war. "There's no sustainable stabilisation for the Balkans unless Macedonia is a member. We thought we had turned the page, now we're afraid that it will also affect our hopes of joining the European Union," Mr Dimitrov said. The country joined the United Nations in 1993 under the provisional name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) pending resolution of its name dispute with Greece. Mr Dimitrov accused Greece of breaching a bilateral agreement that Athens would not block the country's entry into political and economic organisations if it used the name FYROM. "We have troops serving with Nato forces in Afghanistan, fighting for freedom, but now our own freedom is being threatened," he said. "Greece wants us to change our name and our constitution and even our language. They want us to stop using Macedonian as an adjective, it's a hell of a position," he said. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Nato Secretary-General, admitted it was a disappointment for FYROM but said negotiations would continue to try and resolve the dilemma as quickly as possible...

...It was a terrible week for Macedonia, for Greece, and for the whole alliance on the peripheral but dismaying treatment of that tiny country, shut out of Nato even though it has jumped all the required hurdles, simply because Greece wants it to choose a name that could not contain territorial aspirations (as Greece sees it) to its northern province. Greece has won itself no fans. Britain was too dismissive in saying, in a spokesman's words, that it was “merely an issue about the name” which “could be resolved quite quickly”. Europe - and Nato - neglects the poison of the Balkan squabbles at its peril...

LE SOIR- La Macédoine, qui espérait connaître le même sort hier que ses deux voisins des Balkans, doit patienter : elle ne sera invitée que lorsqu’elle aura réglé le différend qui l’oppose à la Grèce, pays membre de l’Otan, sur l’utilisation de son nom, qui est aussi celui d’une province hellénique. Mais la pression est désormais maximale sur Skopje pour arriver à un compromis avec Athènes, qui pourrait amener la Macédoine à intégrer l’Otan avant le sommet du 60e anniversaire de l’organisation, prévu en avril 2009 de part et d’autre du Rhin, à Strasbourg (France) et à Kehl (Allemagne). La déconvenue momentanée pour la Macédoine, dont le gouvernement s’attend à des élections chahutées, n’a pu qu’être accompagnée d’un geste de mauvaise humeur : la délégation a quitté prématurément l’enceinte du sommet roumain.

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